Showing all 5 results

  • Christian Cross gemstone carving


    Christian symbol – cross One of the universal symbols of Christians is the cross. There are many crosses associated with Christian world, such as the tau cross, Jerusalem cross and Russian cross to name a few. The cross has also been used in cultures older than Christians. The symbol has been found in many Central…

  • More Tourmaline:


    Dravite (Champagne Tourmaline) meaning Dravite is a brown variety of tourmaline. It is an ideal stone for self-healing, aids in finding emotional strength and self-acceptance. Dravite inspires courage and persistence. It calms and soothes, grounding and stabilizing the inner self. Use Dravite with these compatible stones to clear and ground the root chakra and provide…

  • Polished Orthoceras Statue


    Orthoceras Fossil Carved from the marble where these fossils have been encased for millions of years, each statue contains several orthoceras within the material. They are polished and make a stunning piece to display on a table or desk. Ancestors to ammonites, Orthoceras are extinct sea creatures dating from the lower Ordovician to Triassic ages…

  • Shaman Stone (Moqui, Thunderball)


    Shaman Stone (Moqui) meaning Shaman Stone also called Shamanic Star Stones, Mochi Marbles, Moqui Balls, Thunderballs,are stones of harmony and balance. They are excellent tools for vibrational healing. Shaman Stones are helpful in overcoming the fear of death and the fear of pain, freeing one to pursue one’s path without limitation. They are stones of…

  • Staurolite gemstone meaning

    Staurolite (Fairy Cross, Fairy Stone) gemstone meaning The name is derived from the Greek Stauros , meaning ‘cross’. Well-formed crystals are commonly twinned, crossing at 90 or 60 degree angles. The twin crystals found on staurolite are sometimes referred to as ‘Fairy crosses’ – as it was once believed to be created by the tears…